Saturday, April 16, 2016

Sri Rama Navami - 2016

Break up in the 80 year old tradition

         The continuity of 80 year old tradition of Sri Rama Navami function celebrations happening in Kolinjivadi, lost the charm and broken its chain this year.

        Not even a single event like bhajanai, pavalimpu, seeta kalayanam happened this year for Sri Rama Navami - 2016.  Chances are there, for this could be a prelude for the permanent termination of the great event.  Very sad to witness such a thing in front of my eyes.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

How Can I ... ?

    In our childhood, we were omnipresent, we played in all the streets, we ate in all the houses, we gathered in all the Thinnais, we ruled our Agraharam to the core.

   We learned respect, love, responsibility, team work, friendship, ethics, etc everything from Kolinjivadi. It is not a Village or yet another Agraharam. It is Everything for me. Every person was a king here.

Things are different now. Kolinjivadi is NOT a part of our day to day life.

Very few Brahmin families are living here. Our social life got fully isolated.

Nowadays, not even a single child can be seen, playing in our streets.

I am worrying as a Father,
  • How can i promise my Daughter ,the entertainment i had in the streets and houses of Kolinjivadi ?
  • How can i gift her a healthy social life, which i had in my childhood ?
  • How can i show her the love of thaathas, paatis, maamis, maamas, akkas and annaas of neighbourhood ?
  • How can i explain her, my days with the Elementary School, in our Agraharam ?
  • How can i make her feel the joy of friendship right from the childhood ?
  • How can i excite her with the fun we had while bathing in Amaravathi ?
  • How can i engage her in Temple Urchavams like serving in pandhi, unjavarthi, seeer, Swami maramanai (procession),etc ?

      My father gave me almost everything he experienced in his childhood. But i am not sure whether i can give at least 1% of my childhood to my daughter.

      Even though the intellect advises it is not possible to bring back that glory, my emotions are longing for those ages to come back ...